Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Getting more adventurous


I've missed a couple of days due to wet weather so this morning I reckoned I needed to make up for it. This is despite my stress test on Monday which I handled a lot easier, due no doubt to the riding last week.

Anyway today I ventured out and skipped the coffee at the Chatterbox and headed for the M4 bridge and rode down the eastern side of the river and via Victoria Bridge back home. I've never been along the pathways on the eastern side of the Nepean but there is a walking/cycling track from the M4 bridge down almost to the Log Cabin. Some nice scenery too, and not just the young ladies on their morning walk!

I came back via Zokoko where I had a sensational coffee, chatted to the ladies, and grabbed a couple of packs of fresh roasted beans.

Total today almost 12 kilometres and the old hip feeling the workout. Tomorrow I'll take the camera.
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1 comment:

yewenyi said...

so when are you coming to ride the cooks river trail? or maybe we could ride around homebush bay...