Wednesday, April 02, 2008

What a Rip-Off!

Had to go to Brisbane recently for business and flew up and back on VirginBlue. A great airline and leaves the other lot for dead. Don't get me started on them after the fiascoes surrounding people attending Mim's funeral.

Anyway, headed to the airport for the flight back home and decided on a quiet beer while waiting for the flight. Asked for a Hahn Super Dry only to be told the price is $7.80 for a 600 ml stubbie! I almost choked and decided on a schooner on tap ... $5.80 ... so whichever way you slice it ... prices at the airports in Australia are a rip-off.

To add insult to injury, while I was sipping my beer I noticed the prices for the "snacks" ... $7.30 for a small bucket of chips!!!

You can blame that serial under-performer John Anderson, the former Transport Minister for selling out our airports to the Bank that Swallowed Australia ... Macquarie Bank and the other rip-off merchants.

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