Sunday, August 16, 2009

Charlie Gets Mobile

Not content with being shown up by the Old Man, Charlie headed off to Anaconda and bought a new Fluid Richochet bike, complete with hydration pack and all the mod cons.

So today we were off on our first ride together ... the Bridge to Bridge loop which is about 11 kilometres in total. A great day for a ride and plenty of eye exercises along the way. Charlie didn't have to walk up any of the steep hills like I did (there are only a couple of short ones) but I'm keeping him away from Mitchell's Pass for a while yet.

The Nepean Bridge to Bridge route as per our Qstarz Data Logger...

1 comment:

yewenyi said...

I don't think you need a hydration pack for a 11 km ride! I think that this route was a better one.

Could I interest you in bringing your bikes into town. We could cycle the cooks river cycleway or along port botany. Both are civilized and gentle.